Stoneham Public Schools’ Integrated Preschool Program, for children ages 3.0 years to 5 years old, provides a comprehensive range of services within a supportive, engaging and inclusive preschool environment. In our ten classrooms, we establish a strong sense of community in which every child is a valued member and diversity is celebrated. All students, with and without IEPs, participate in developmentally appropriate play-based learning activities that are child-centered, evidence-based and aligned with the Massachusetts Guidelines for Preschool Learning Experiences. Children with moderate to severe special education needs receive in-class support from their teachers, classroom support personnel and related service providers including speech-language pathologists, ABA techs, ESPs, BCBAs, OTs and PTs depending on each child’s individual needs.
Our preschool teachers are highly qualified, caring, early childhood special educators. Our curriculum emphasizes “hands-on” exploration and concrete experiences. Play is considered an important aspect of our programming, and learning through play is encouraged through materials such as paint, blocks, sand, water, dramatic play, books and manipulatives. All PK teachers plan units and lessons based upon the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks.
Children who have received Early Intervention services are referred to us when they are close to turning three years of age. We work closely with Early Intervention and parents/caregivers to ensure a smooth process as they transition into our speech-language groups or integrated preschool program, depending on individual needs. Children's full participation in classroom activities and play is supported by teachers and related service personnel throughout their day.

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